Our Manchester office
The second largest Booking.com office, home of our Trips business unit

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More than just our Manchester office
Our Manchester office

Our Manchester office is a new state-of-the-art workspace building. Located in the commercial heart of the city, it is the epitome of modern working, bringing people together to create, inspire, thrive and deliver in the most vibrant environment possible.
Tech Recruiter

Manchester is an amazing place for Booking.com to have a headquarters for its Trips business unit. Why is that? Because Manchester has an amazing tie to innovation, technology and industry in its history.
VP of Engineering

We’re proud to be building a global hub for transport here in Manchester, where we already employ more than 1,000 people from all over the world. It’s a vibrant and inclusive community.
Senior VP of Trips
Booking Transport Customer & Partner Experience

What’s new for our Trips Business Unit?

5 questions with...Beyza Han-Tuncez

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